What are the side effect of taking the abortion pills?
The most common side effects of Misoprostol and Mifepristone pills use for abortion [1] are pain (uterine cramping) and vaginal bleeding, although these are the intended effects of the medications. Other possible side effects [2] include: fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
[1] Planned Parenthood. What can I expect after I take the abortion pill? Retrieved from: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/the-abortion-pill/what-can-i-expect-after-i-take-the-abortion-pill
[2] Gynuity. Providing medical abortion in low-resource settings An Introductory Guidebook. Second Edition. 2009. Retrieved from: https://gynuity.org/assets/resources/clinguide_maguide2nd_edition_en.pdf
Before an abortion with pills
- How can I learn about abortion laws by country?
- I know somebody who needs an abortion, how can I be of support?
- Will the abortion pills cause birth defects in a baby I have in the future?
- Will taking the abortion pills make it harder for me to get pregnant in the future?
- Will medical staff be able to notice that I am having an abortion?
- What if I find out that I am pregnant with twins? Can I still have an abortion with pills?
- I was diagnosed with a miscarriage. Can I use the abortion pills?
- I am over 20 weeks pregnant. Can I use the pills for abortion?
- Based on my period I am less than 6 weeks pregnant. Do I have to wait to use the abortion pills?
- I had surgery on the uterus 6 months ago, can I still use the abortion pills?
- Can I take the abortion pills if I have been diagnosed with a STD or reproductive tract infection?
- Can I have an abortion with pills if I have had a C-section in the past?
- I have been diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy, can I use the abortion pills?
- I have an IUD in place, can I use the abortion pills?
- I have anemia, can I take the abortion pills?
- I am HIV positive, can I take the abortion pills?
- I am Rh Negative blood type. Is it a problem to have an abortion with pills ?
- Is there a weight restriction for abortion pills?
- Is there an age limit for the abortion pills?
- What are the side effect of taking the abortion pills?
- Can I breastfeed while using abortion pills?
- What happens if I use abortion pills and I am not pregnant?
*Nothing provided herein should be construed as professional medical advice and no medication / pills should be used without a prescription from a licensed / registered medical practitioner eligible to prescribe such medication in your local jurisdiction.