Will taking the abortion pills make it harder for me to get pregnant in the future?

Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills used for abortion do not have any effect on a woman’s fertility [1]. Both of the abortion pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) are rapidly removed from the body, thus they do not have any effect on one’s ability to become pregnant in the future. Fertility can actually return in as little as 7-10 days after using the abortion pills.

[1] Gynuity. Providing medical abortion in low-resource settings An Introductory Guidebook. Second Edition. 2009. Retrieved from: https://gynuity.org/assets/resources/clinguide_maguide2nd_edition_en.pdf


*Nothing provided herein should be construed as professional medical advice and no medication / pills should be used without a prescription from a licensed / registered medical practitioner eligible to prescribe such medication in your local jurisdiction.