What is an Induction Abortion?

Where available, an induction abortion is a method that may be used during the second or third trimester of a pregnancy (typically after 16 weeks or more).

This method mimics labor by using medication to cause both cervical dilation and uterine contractions to expel the pregnancy. Because this method of abortion occurs during later gestations, it is always done in a clinic or hospital where the woman can be monitored for the duration of the procedure. Typically, it does not require surgical instrumentation; but, if needed, surgical intervention is often available. This method of later abortion is less common than a D&E as it often involves a more prolonged procedure time.

The availability of this method depends on the laws or restrictions regarding abortion in different locations around the world. In some places, it may be available to women who desire an abortion for any reason, or it may be limited to women who are seeking an abortion for very specific health indications. [1]

[1] “Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems.” World Health Organization, second edition, 2012, www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/unsafe_abortion/9789241548434/en/. Accesed November 2020.


*Nothing provided herein should be construed as professional medical advice and no medication / pills should be used without a prescription from a licensed / registered medical practitioner eligible to prescribe such medication in your local jurisdiction.