Why are women choosing to get an abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a very stressful situation. Often people have sex to enjoy and experience pleasure, without the intent of becoming pregnant. An ongoing pregnancy becomes a lifetime responsibility, and a woman may decide that being pregnant is not the best option for her and she will seek abortion. In fact, it is common that a woman may choose abortion more than once during her lifetime. A woman may choose to have an abortion for many different reasons [1], but ultimately she should make a decision that is best for herself.

[1] Guttmacher. Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. 2005. Retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2005/reasons-us-women-have-abortions-quantitative-and-qualitative-perspectives


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