Abortion in Niger is subject to strict supervision and monitoring by health and judicial authorities.
Is abortion legal in Niger?
The Reproductive Health Act states, in article 16, that abortion is only permitted in the following cases and on prescription from a consulting group of doctors:
- when the continuation of the pregnancy endangers the life and health of the pregnant woman; and
- when there is a high probability that the unborn child will be affected by a condition of particular gravity at the time of diagnosis [1].
What types of abortion are available in Niger?
The two types of care available in Niger are medical and surgical methods.
What is the abortion rate in Niger? How many women have abortions?
There is no data on the number of women who have abortions in Niger. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the maternal mortality rate related to unsafe abortions is 10% in Niger [5].
Abortion with pills (Medical Abortion)
Are the abortion pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) available in Niger?
Abortion pills are available in Niger but are strictly monitored [2].
How late into a pregnancy can the abortion pills be used?
The pills can be used up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Do I need a prescription for Mifepristone or Misoprostol?
Yes, you must have a doctor’s prescription to access abortion pills.
What brands of abortion pills are popular in Niger?
Misoprostol is available under the brand names Ace Miso and Cytotec; and Mifepristone, which is combined with Misoprostol, is available under the brand name Mifepak.
How much do the abortion pills cost in Niger?
The costs are variable according to the pharmacies and the brands. Cytotec costs approximately XOF 10,000.
In-clinic abortion
What are the different types of in-clinic abortion procedures available in Niger?
Surgical methods with manual intrauterine aspiration and Dilation and curettage (D&C) [3].
Is Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) safe?
Observational studies indicate that vacuum aspiration is associated with fewer complications than dilation and curettage [4].
Where can I get a Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) abortion in Niger?
In public health centers with the appropriate technical platform and in private structures that have received authorization from the authorities.

How much does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) cost in Niger?
Each clinic or provider has its own fees which can vary, on average, from XOF 25,000 to XOF 250,000. This price does not include blood tests, ultrasounds, consultations, and hospitalisations, which also vary from clinic to clinic.
Who can I contact for more information in Niger?
For post abortion care (PAC) information and support or for safe abortions that are legally allowed, please contact:
Maries Stopes
Nigerien Association for Family Welfare
By the safe2choose team and supporting experts at carafem, based on the 2019 recommendations by Ipas, and the 2012 recommendations by the WHO.